How to Clone Cannabis Plants: The Essential Guide
Using a clone of an already existing marijuana plant is a quick, easy, and effective way to duplicate a strain.
These cuttings (which is another word for a clone) can help you produce quality plants for both personal and professional purposes.
Experienced growers and hobbyists often prefer cloning plants to planting seeds because they produce faster and higher-quality results. However, while cloning might seem simple, there are various factors to consider before you snip off any pieces of your favorite strain. In this article, we’ll go over the benefits of cloning, how to choose the mother plant, and how to clone cannabis for best results!

How to successfully clone cannabis plants – the essential guide
So, What Does Cloning a Cannabis Plant Mean?
Simply put, cloning cannabis is the action of removing a piece of a plant and then replanting that bit separately. In essence, you are growing and reproducing the same plant.
The Benefits of Cloning Cannabis Plants
Many cannabis businesses choose to clone their marijuana plants for many reasons. For one, it allows you to create an exact genetic replica—removing the genetic randomness and potential for lower THC levels that can occur when using seeds. It’s also inexpensive, quick, and allows growers to ensure greater quality control and be more confident in their final product.
Know Before You Clone—Consider This First!
Before you begin the cloning process, there are a few key things to consider. For starters, you’ll need to choose the right mother plant and rooting method.
The Mother Plant
The mother plant is the plant you take a clipping from. This is the most important factor in the cloning process because this plant determines the genetic breakdown of the clone. But, before you take a cutting from just any mother plant, first you’ll want to make sure it:
Is in all-around good health
Has been yielding good amounts
Clearly has no diseases (and has been resistant to mold and pests throughout its lifecycle)
Has been in the vegetative state (growing) for at least 2 months
Has not been fertilized for a few days
Is not currently flowering
The Rooting Method
After you have chosen your mother plant, you’ll then need to pick the proper rooting method. Here’s a look at some of the most popular options:
This is the simplest method. Once you have your clipping, you’ll want to put it in still water where the stalk will start to root. Make sure you store your clipping in a well-lit location and that it’s properly fed. After 14 days or so, you can then move it to soil.
For this method, you simply take your stalk (a piece from the mother plant) and place it in soil. Be sure that the soil has been watered and not overfed before planting, and that the clipping gets lots of light.
This method is soilless. You will place the cutting directly in a Rockwool cube (also known as a stonewool cube). Be sure that the clipping receives plenty of light and water. You can purchase Rockwool at grow stores or online.
How to Clone a Cannabis Plant Step-by-Step
Now that you have your preferred rooting method and have selected the mother plant, let’s go over how to clone a cannabis plant step-by-step.
Before proceeding, make sure you have the appropriate sterilized materials ready:
Sharp/heavy-duty scissors (safety scissors just won’t cut it here!)
Your rooting method ready to go (water, soil, or Rockwool)
Tool for trimming (a razor works well)
Rooting hormone (gel, liquid, or powder can be purchased online or at a local grow shop)
Then, follow these steps:
Step 1:
First, make sure that you are taking all sanitary precautions such as wearing gloves, working in a sterile environment, and using sterilized tools.
Step 2:
Next, pick a healthy branch on your mother plant that is strong and long enough to give you two nodes.
Step 3:
Using your scissors, cut the selected piece off of the mother plant just above a node.
Step 4:
Taking your razor, cut your clipping just below the bottom node at a 45° angle. This will help encourage faster maturation when fully planted.
Step 5:
Now that you have your fresh clipping, you’ll want to transplant it to your selected rooting method with some rooting hormone.
Step 6:
To encourage and support photosynthesis, make sure you get rid of any unnecessary leaves at the bottom and trim the tips of the fan leaves.
Step 7:
Check on your clone daily to make sure the roots are properly growing, that the plan has enough water, and that it looks healthy overall.
Step 8:
At around 10-14 days (or when the roots of your clone are about 1-2 inches in length), you’ll be ready to transplant your clipping to soil!
Transplanting & Clone Care
Congratulations you’ve successfully rooted your clone! From here, you’ll want to fully transplant it so it can grow and thrive in the right conditions. To do this, follow these steps:
Step 1:
Have a pot of watered soil ready for the clipping
Step 2:
Make sure the water in the pot is drained. Dig a small hole in the soil (1-2 inches is more than enough).
Step 3:
Plant the clone in the small hole and cover up the roots.
After-Transplant Care
Now that you’ve transplanted your clipping, be sure to regularly check its:
✔ Moisture, Light Exposure & Nutrients:
Ensure the plant is getting the right amount of each for best results.
✔ Stem:
A wide stem is a good indication of overall plant health. The wider the better!
✔ Overall Health:
Regularly checking your plant for pests or potential diseases will give you peace of mind and help you avoid a failed transplant.

Expand your selection by purchasing different cannabis clones
Purchasing Clones to Expand Your Business Safely & Effectively
If you want to properly expand your selection of cannabis plants and maintain their genetics, you should always buy marijuana clones from respected, knowledgeable providers.
No matter the size of your production, purchasing your clones from local wholesale marijuana dispensaries or growers who know how to clone a cannabis plant properly is key. These established growers take the necessary steps to ensure the quality and genetics of their plants. They will also share the origin of the clone so you know exactly what to expect when your clone starts producing. And most importantly, they’ll thoroughly inspect your clones for diseases or pests before providing you with your transplant. Choosing to work with an expert will save you lots of headaches down the road.
You now have all of the information you need to start cloning your most popular plants. By working with a reliable clone provider and following all of the required cloning steps, you’ll see an uptick in your production output while still maintaining an excellent final product. So, what are you waiting for? The first step is choosing the mother plant. Then, if you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to discuss our process to assist you along yours!
Homegrown Nursery proudly signs the content on the Cannabis News Blog. We are a dependable source for healthy and feminized clones. For marijuana businesses and entrepreneurs, we offer special wholesale pricing.